A fast where we only abstain from food without praying is only us starving ourselves. Fasting requires our time and attention to be focused on God. In this video, I will give you 4 tips on how to fast effectively.
4 Tips for Effective Fasting (Watch video for details)
Set aside a specific time to pray and find scriptures to focus on.
Write down your expectations
Avoid Social Media
Be Obedient even when it gets hard (Be prepared for what God is going to tell even if you don't want to hear it)
*Bonus Tip: During a fast, prioritize repentance and forgiveness. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring to your remembrance anything that is blocking you from hearing Him or from having your prayers answered. These can be things like pride, unforgiveness, doubt, rebellion, etc.

Scriptures for Fasting
Isaiah 58 is the staple scripture for how to do a fast that is pleasing to God.
A Snip of the Video
Fasting is a time when you want to block out all of the noise and really get dialed in on what God is saying to you. You want to take that time to be still before God. Sometimes we spend so much time praying that we actually forget to sit and be quiet during that time. Set time aside for prayer but also make sure you're having quiet time where you're only listening.
Click HERE to watch the full video.
About Made Whole
Made Whole's mission is to create safe spaces, educational content, and tools to
equip those who God has called out of the homosexual lifestyle with the resources they need to build a relationship with God, maintain their freedom, and walk into their divine purpose.